Vlad Ĉereŝna

Junior Java & Android & Web & ML Fullstack Developer & UI/UX Designer
-----strong knowledge of-----JavaSpringVaadinSpringMVCThymeleafRest APIHibernateSQLPostgreSQLMySQLRedis/RedisJSONTelegramBotsXMLAndroidMaterial UIRetrofitFirebaseSupabaseImageKitReCAPTCHAMavenGradleHTML/CSS/SCSS/SASSJavaScriptTypeScriptResponsiveSvelteAngularML Neuroph FrameworkPro in Git/GitHubPostmanSwagger-----basics of------libGDXPythonKotlin-----ui/ux designer-----FigmaLogotypes
Image by Freepik: https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/hand-drawn-web-developers_12063795.htm#page=6&query=developer&position=39&from_view=search&track=sph&uuid=ef4cb35a-12bd-4dc4-91ac-aa54394948aa
Image by Freepik: https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/hand-drawn-web-developers_12063795.htm#page=6&query=developer&position=39&from_view=search&track=sph&uuid=ef4cb35a-12bd-4dc4-91ac-aa54394948aa

Rula Retsystem

HTML/CSS Adaptive Web Landing Page Android Firebase App Signer Gradle

An html/css site that also offers download mobile applications

This is the website of the so-called mobile application system Rula, which, according to the story, provides users with mobile application-services such as the Welta forum and the hybrid email client Rosto Rosto client (actually, letters in it are messages (there is no SMTP protocol and such)), CloudLib, Rendas (modern chatting with division into channels). All apps are downloaded, run and work, and are signed with a security key

This my Resume

HTML/CSS Svelte Bootstrap (Sveltestrap) Adaptivity

The site you're seeing now

A site that showcases my skills and projects displaying my experience.


LibGDX Android

A cross-platform Java LibGDX game about controlling a fish in a polluted ocean


Java Spring Vaadin Gradle JSoup Redis (RedisJSON) (Jedis)

Internet scanner and search for sites among the scanned ones. You could say search engine.


Kotlin Java Android WebView

The simple browser for Android smartphones.


Figma Desktop

Design of the desktop version of the ERP website